Ah, Lodolite. Just one of the most captivating minerals around.
This enchanting polished Smokey Lodolite free form from Brazil has so much character and inner beauty to it. What appeara to be a scene from the ocean floor, there's so much to love and appreciate about this highly sought-after mineral.
Lodolite is infact made up of mineral inclusions of the chlorite group. Depending on the type of chlorite present, the various inclusions appear in colors from green, brown, orange, white, pink, or purple.
Lodolite, also known as "Shamanic Dream Quartz" is a powerful emotional healer, relieving and helping one learn from the traumas of past lives and/or childhood. Therefore, it is also helpful in breaking down repetitive patterns in relationships and moving on with one's life. In meditation, Lodolite facilitates contact with one's spiritual guides and manifesting ones dreams.
Measures 4x1.5
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